What’s Happening in the Sandbox
Interested in Healthcare Entrepreneurship?
Participate in the MIT DHIVE Internship Program, where students Dive into Healthcare Innovation and Venture Exploration. Select a healthcare area and learn more about the needs and challenges from the experts in the field, engage in brainstorming and ideation activities, and learn from seasoned entrepreneurs how to transform ideas into viable solutions.
MIT Sandbox has a new home - MIT InnovationHQ
MIT InnovationHQ (iHQ) is located in the Suffolk Building on Main Street in Kendall Square. MIT Sandbox is on the 4th floor and includes a dedicated Sandbox co-working space for our teams.
Are you a MIT student looking for an internship that exposes you to entrepreneurship?
You can intern for a student-led Sandbox team that is working to solve a problem with an innovative solution. Internships are open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
New MIT Sandbox Instagram Page
See news and updates on Sandbox teams and what’s happening in the Sandbox!