Sandbox Fall applications for new teams are opening on September 1st. Want to know more about how you can explore entrepreneurship in MIT Sandbox? Please join our info sessions on August 30th or September 7th to learn more.
MIT Sandbox Funding Board
This page is for Funding Board members only. We ask that you keep all documents and links in confidence.
Hybrid Meeting
March 16 Funding Board Meeting Materials
Detailed overview each team, their proposed solution, target market, competitive advantage, and funding information.
Includes a link to a prefilled score sheet for each team.
Hybrid Meeting
October 27 Funding Board Materials (Agenda and Executive Summaries)
Detailed overview each team, their proposed solution, target market, competitive advantage, and funding information. Includes a link to a prefilled score sheet for each team.
Morning & Afternoon agendas
How to use the Agenda:
Team names in the agenda are hyperlinked to their executive summary page.
Please click on the team name to jump to the page. If you prefer to have each team’s summary in a separate window, while you click on the name please hold down these keys on your keyboard:
Command & Shift (Mac) or
Shift (Windows Edge) or
Control & Shift (other Windows browsers). On some computers, you are shown a menu: Please click on the “Open Link…” option you prefer.
October 27 Funding Board Attendee List
2022 Fall Online Showcase Guide
Virtual Meeting
Team pitch decks, previous funding, amount requested, final recommendation, and cumulative award
March 10 Funding Board Materials (Agendas & Executive Summaries)
Detailed overview each team, their proposed solution, target market, competitive advantage, and funding information. Includes a link to a prefilled score sheet for each team.
Morning & Afternoon agendas
How to use the Agenda:
Team names in the agenda are hyperlinked to their executive summary page.
Please click on the team name to jump to the page. If you prefer to have each team’s summary in a separate window, while you click on the name please hold down these keys on your keyboard:
Command & Shift (Mac) or
Shift (Windows Edge) or
Control & Shift (other Windows browsers). On some computers, you are shown a menu: Please click on the “Open Link…” option you prefer.
March 10 Funding Board Attendee List
Spring 2022 Showcase
Hybrid Meeting
Team pitch decks, previous funding, amount requested, final recommendation, and cumulative award.
Executive Summary of Presenting Teams
Detailed overview each team, their proposed solution, target market, competitive advantage, and funding information. Includes a link to a prefilled score sheet for each team.
Searchable gallery of teams participating in Sandbox during this cohort. Teams may have pivoted, exited or launched as companies since information was gathered at the start of the cohort.
October 28th Funding Board Materials
Fall 2021 Showcase Website Archive
Password = celebrate2021
Virtual Meeting
Team pitch decks, previous funding, amount requested, final recommendation, and cumulative award.
Executive Summary of Presenting Teams
Detailed overview each team, their proposed solution, target market, competitive advantage, and funding information.
March 18th Funding Board Materials
Spring 2021 Showcase Website Archive
Password = celebrate2021
Virtual Meeting
Previous funding, amount requested, final recommendation, and cumulative award.
List of presenting teams with links to each Funding Board pitch video
October 30th Funding Board Materials
Funding Board Website - Team Summaries
At the first virtual Funding Board meeting, Sandbox provided team summaries via a Funding Board website. It can be accessed with the same password.
March 6th Funding Board Materials
March 5th Showcase Materials
March 5th Special Session Funding Board Materials
Fall 2019 Final Funding Decisions (PDF)
September 2019 Funding Board Pitch Decks (PPT)
September 12th Showcase Materials
Showcase Program (PDF)
Showcase Team Profiles (PDF)
Summer & Spring 2019 Cohort Team Profiles (Summer PDF, Spring PDF)
Fall 2019 Cohort Team Profiles (TBD)
September 13th Funding Board Materials
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
Funding Board Executive Summaries (PDF)
Funding Board Team Scoresheets (PDF)
General Materials
May 2019 Ad Hoc Meeting:
Thursday, May 16th and 23rd: Special summer ad hoc meeting from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Team Profiles (PDF)
Agenda (DOC)
Past Meeting Dates
February 2019:
February 2019 Meeting Materials
February 7th Showcase
Showcase Program (DOC)
Showcase Team Profiles (PDF)
Fall 2018 Cohort Team Profiles (PDF)
Spring 2019 Cohort Team Profiles (PDF)
February 8th Funding Board
Agenda (DOC)
Attendee List (DOC)
List of all Funding Board Members, Funding Board Chairs, and Staff who will attend the February 8th meeting.
Funding Board Team Profiles (PDF)
February Funding Board Presenters
These scoresheets provide a brief description of each team that will present to the Funding Board. 42 teams requesting $5,000 to $25,000 will present in 3 parallel sessions.
Additional Funding Requests from Previous Teams (PDF)
General Materials
September 2018
Final Funding Decisions (PDF)
September 13th Showcase
Showcase Program (PDF)
Showcase Team Profiles (PDF)
Summer Cohort Team Profiles (PDF)
Spring Cohort Team Profiles (PDF)
September 14th Funding Board
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
List of all Funding Board Members, Funding Board Chairs, and Staff who will attend the September 14th meeting.
September Funding Board Presenters (PDF)
Score sheets with brief description of each team that will present to the funding board. A total of 33 teams asking for between $5,000 and $25,000 will present in three parallel sessions.
Funding Board Up Date Deck (PDF)
Pitch Videos (TBD)
General Materials
May 2018 Ad Hoc Meeting
Final Funding Decisions (PDF)
February 2018 Meeting
Final Funding Decisions (PDF)
February 8th Showcase
February 9th Funding Board
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
List of all Funding Board Members, Funding Board Chairs, and Staff who will attend the February 9th meeting.
February Funding Board Presenters (PDF)
Score sheets with brief description of each team that will present to the funding board. A total of 30 teams asking for between $5,000 and $25,000 will present in three parallel sessions.
Executive Summaries (Dropbox)
Project Descriptions of Teams Seeking FB Mentoring and not seeking additional funding (PDF)
Funding Boards Update Deck (PDF)
General Materials
October 2017 Meeting
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
List of all Funding Board Members, Funding Board Chairs, and Staff who will attend the October 5th meeting.
October Funding Board Presenters (PDF)
Score sheets with brief description of each team that will present to the funding board. A total of 38 teams asking for between $5,000 and $25,000 will present in three parallel sessions.
October Funding Board Pitch Videos
October Funding Board Presenter Slide Deck (Dropbox)
Executive Summaries (Dropbox)
These will be added as they become available
Spring Cohort Profiles (PDF)
Showcase Program (PDF)
Participant Agreement (PDF)
Team Expectations (PDF)
February 2017 Meeting
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
List of all Funding Board Members, Funding Board Chairs, and Staff who will attend the February meeting.
February Funding Board Presenters (PDF)
Score sheets with brief description of each team that will present to the funding board. A total of 41 teams asking for between $5,000 and $25,000 will present in three parallel sessions.
February Funding Board Pitch Videos
February Funding Board Pitch Decks
Executive Summaries (PDF)
Final Funding Decisions (PDF)
Participant Agreement (PDF)
Spring Cohort Profiles (PDF)
Fall Cohort Profiles (PDF)
Team Expectations (PDF)
October 2016 Meeting
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
List of all Funding Board Members, Funding Board Chairs, and Staff who will attend the October 6th meeting.
October Funding Board Presenters (PDF)
Score sheets with brief description of each team that presented to the funding board. A total of 29 teams asking for between $5,000 and $25,000 will present in two parallel sessions.
Summer Cohort Profiles (PDF)
Award Results from Fall Application Cycle:
Presentation by Ian Waitz on October 6 (PDF)
Presentation by Jinane Abounadi on October 6 (PDF)
Final Funding Decisions (PDF)
Profiles and pitch presentations of the 29 teams selected to present on October 6th (PDF)
Summary of all 140 fall applicants (PDF)
April 2016 Meeting
Agenda (PDF)
Attendee List (PDF)
April Funding Board Presenters (PDF)
Score sheets with brief descriptions of each team that presented to the funding board. A total of 31 teams asking for between $6,000 and $25,000 presented in two parallel sessions.
April Funding Board Presentation Videos (Dropbox)
Short videos of each team presentation, including Q&A. These videos are posted in a password protected Dropbox folder.
The password is: SandboxPlay.
Final Funding Decisions (XLS)
The final funding decisions are included here. This is a living document, as adjustments are still being made.
April Applicants (PDF)
Brief description of each team that did not present to the funding board. These teams were requesting funds between $1,000 and $5,000.
January Cohort Progress Reports (PDF)
In January the Sandbox program ran a pilot, offering $1,000 in funds to teams who participated in StartMIT during IAP. We asked them to share their progress in these progress reports.
MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund Program
iHQ (Bldg E38 - 4th floor)
292 Main St, Cambridge, MA 02142